topics and sources for persuasive essay 1

Hw 1,2 related to each other and i will upload pic for hw 1 to show you how to do it

Topics and Sources for Persuasive Essay

Please submit a few sentences explaining your choice of topic and your understanding of the general debate.

The topic must be chosen from the following list:

1. What are the challenges with prosecuting police officers accused of committing murder while on duty?

2. Do immigration detention centers treat incarcerated individuals humanely?

3. How effective are the institutional procedures for reporting sexual assault on college campuses?

Also include three proposed sources, one chosen from the Crown Library “Articles & Databases” and one article from each of the two following groups of sources. Rather than cutting and pasting the URL, you must include the author of the article, the title of the article, and the name of the publication.

Rebecca Crown Library: (Links to an external site.)

Group One:

Group Two:

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