writing proposal for special education students

After reviewing the federal laws and relevant legislation pertaining to students with disabilities, write a proposal that you will present to your site administrators defining how you, as a school counselor, will advocate for students with special needs or disabilities. Address the following in your plan:

  • Describe educational reforms designed to help protect special populations, including students with disabilities such as IDEA, ADA, FERPA, and ESSA.
    • How are these applied in the school setting?
  • Detail the role will you play as a school counselor on a collaborative team to ensure that student needs are addressed.
    • Give specific examples.
  • Explain how will you ensure student and parent participation in the decision-making process according to their specific roles in the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. Examples include but are not limited to student study teams, 504s, and individualized education plans.


Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Length: 4–6 double-spaced pages of content, excluding the cover page and references list. Include page numbers, headings, and running headers.
  • References: Minimum of 3 current peer-reviewed references.
  • Format: Use current APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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